cares enough about humanity to take our rebellion seriously. He
calls us to account for our actions, because it matters to him that
we treat him, and other people, so poorly. In other words, he wont
let the rebellion go on forever.
sentence God passes against us is entirely just, because he gives
us exactly what we ask for. In rebelling against God, we are saying
to him, Go away. I dont want you telling me what to
do. Leave me alone. And this is precisely what God does. His
judgement on rebels is to withdraw from them, to cut them off from
himselfpermanently. But since God is the source of life and
all good things, being cut off from him means death and hell. Gods
judgement against rebels is an everlasting, God-less death.
is a terrible thing, to fall under the sentence of Gods judgement.
It is a prospect we all face, since we are all guilty of rebelling
against God.
that it then? Are we all destined for death and everlasting ruin?
If not for Gods own miraculous intervention, we would be.