
I’m not sure if it was ever any different, but it is certainly no longer possible to study bioethics in isolation. This book would not have been possible without the input of many people who have generously shared their knowledge and experience with me. Thank you all.

This book was greatly enhanced by the generosity of a grant from The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois, USA, through their Global Bioethics Education Initiative. I would also like to thank the ‘Free Money for New Lives’ campaign, which contributed a substantial sum to this project.

I have been humbled by the graciousness I have been shown during the five years I have worked to put this book together. I have spoken to countless people who have lived through the challenges discussed within these pages, and I am deeply indebted to them all for sharing part of their lives with me. Many experts have kindly answered my questions as I have studied the current practice of medicine at the beginning of life, and the associated theology. I appreciate the assistance given by Andrew Cameron, Don Carson and my research assistant Elizabeth Hegedus. Thank you Andrew and Penny Wilkinson for your hospitality. A particularly big thank you to those who gave the time to read through chapters at draft stage and make suggestions: Kirsten Birkett, Peter Bland, Patrina Caldwell, Anne and Geoff Campbell, Patricia Chan, Sam Chan, Sarah Condie, Angela Ferguson, Andrew Ford, Peter Jensen, David Kardachi, Jonathon Morris, Kirk and Lisa Patson, Jeff Persson, Karin Sowada, Rob Smith, Joseph Thomas Thenalil and Ron Vaughan. Some of those chapters were really long. All remaining errors are my own.

To the staff at Matthias Media, a big thank you for all your work in putting the book together, especially my editors Tony Payne, Lee Carter and Emma Thornett, and to Hayley Boag who had to bear with my late additions. The book would not have been what it is without your long hours of labour.

Finally, a big thank you to my family, who have put up with me being distracted by all things embryonic for such a long time—to Amoni and Susannah, who bring me so much joy, and finally to my husband, John, without whose care, support and cups of tea this book would never have been written. In acknowledgement of his invaluable contribution I dedicate this book to him.

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